This account helps you to save for the future while you enjoy attractive rates.
It's an account that gives you the pleasure of not using all the ten fingers to eat.
Features & Benefits
Minimum opening balance of ₦5,000.
Allows for deposits to be added to target funds in multiples of ₦5,000 without break in savings.
Flexible to operate.
Options of a 6 months and 9 months is available.
Product gives attractive rates better than savings account.
No withdrawal until maturity of target savings.
Allows for deposit of cheques after receipt of 2 satisfactory references.
Allows access to micro credit.
Account can be used as gift for targeted anniversary.
Completed account opening form.
1 passport photograph.
Means of Identification (Int'l Passport, Drivers License, Voters card , National ID and Resident permit for non indigene).